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Email Campaigns

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High-quality email marketing is about good-quality content

It's important that you take time to nurture, grow and engage your audience through helpful content and insight. Don't just 'spam' your email list with pointless offers and reminders that you exist. Help people by answering their questions and include them in your ongoing content strategy and conversations.

  • Remember that people are busy and have a lot on their plates, so create emails that delight and engage, not lecture and bore.
  • Make sure your company branding and voice is consistent in your emails.
  • Focus on user-value and quality, not quantity and frequency.

We've got the designers, writers and strategists to help make your emails shine.


How to use email campaigns to map out your business calendar

There are moments when targeted email campaigns can be a great boost to business:

  • When launching a new product or service
  • When sharing special offers & discounts (make these as valuable and as targeted as you can)
  • When sharing company news or events
  • When sharing flagship content